Health education for diabetes mellitus


Diabetes mellitus is a situation where the level of glucose in the body raises high than that of the normal one. It is one of the most common diseases which have affected more than 415 million people in the world. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing globally at a very fast pace, and that is one of the reasons why health education for diabetes mellitus has become very much important today. Health experts are really very concerned about the current scenario and hence are also offering courses related to health education for diabetes mellitus.


With the changing dietary phases and eating habits; diabetes has now become one of the most common diseases which further leads to blindness, heart attacks, amputations, strokes, kidney failure, impotence, and much more. Diabetes brutally affects the way our body uses food and hence alters the glucose levels in our body. The food that we eat changes into glucose or sugar which further serves as a source of energy for us. Insulin hormone helps the sugar to the body’s cells so that to use it for energy.



Whenever a person suffers from diabetes mellitus; his/her body fails to produce enough insulin that it usually makes and hence the level of sugar rises up in the blood. As per the amount of insulin production; diabetes is of two types:

Type 1: It is the condition where the body fails to produce insulin. This kind of diabetes most commonly suffers people lower than the age of 30.

  • Type 2: This kind of diabetes usually develops in adults over the age of 40. In this kind of diabetes; the body makes insulin but the cells fail to use it.

How to know if the person is suffering from diabetes?

It is one of the most obvious questions that most surely want to know about to get it cured in the early stages. We are going to discuss here some of the symptoms we mean to say diabetes alerts which serve as an alert for the same.

  • Often urination
  • Extreme thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Blurry vision
  • Sores that won’t heal
  • Weakness
  • Unusual fatigue

If you are having some of these problems; it might be a signal that you are suffering from diabetes mellitus. It is not good to get strict on any assumption before undergoing related tests. So once you face any of these problems; you can contact a professional doctor who will prefer to have some tests to confirm the situation.

  • Urinalysis: –This test is being performed for testing sugar in your urine.
  • Fasting plasma glucose test: – This test is being performed to measure the level of sugar in your blood. To perform this test you have to fast at least for 8 hours.
  • Random plasma glucose test: – This test is also being performed for measuring the level of sugar in your blood but without fasting.
  • Oral glucose tolerance test: – This test also measures the level of sugar in the person’s blood. To perform this test you have to fast at least for 8 hours and then need to drink a sugary beverage.

How to treat diabetes?

Once diagnosed with diabetes mellitus; the person needs to add some changes to his/her diet and lifestyle so as to keep her blood sugar at a normal level. You are also supposed to be on medicine or insulin once diagnosed with the problem; depending on your condition. you need to check your blood sugar level on regular basis using a blood sugar meter to keep that in control.

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