In the year 1977, FDA approves the Cyclobenzaprine Dosage, ( Lexapro Drug ) which is known by its brand name Flexril. However, it is manufactured by the company called PD-RX Pharmaceuticals. When it comes to treating the syndromes related to acute painful musculoskeletal conditions and specifically the muscle spasm, the Cyclobenzaprine has become the top of the line treatment.
It is recommended to watch carefully and closely for the side effects of the Cyclobenzaprine on consumption as it belongs to the class of tricyclic antidepressants.
Strains on muscles cause the pain in muscle spasm due to different forms of movement or through exercise. It can thus result in chronic pain or muscle pain, specifically in the lower back. There are some activities that can cause the chances of muscle strains or spasm if left unrepaired or not replenished well.
For instance, when a person sustains an injury, the muscle spasm happens to avoid further damage but also cause the pain in the process.
The consumption of Cyclobenzaprine works on the CNS (central nervous system), inhibiting the pain or nerve impulses sent from the sore muscle to the brain.
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About Cyclobenzaprine from Scientific Point of View
In treating the muscle spasm, Cyclobenzaprine Dosage is the first line or best-studied treatment. Notwithstanding, being the first course of action in treating the acute painful musculoskeletal conditions and muscle spasm, Cyclobenzaprine reduces the pain in two weeks but peaks in 3 to 7 days.
After two weeks since the day of the consumption, the Cyclobenzaprine has not been confirmed any long-term benefit because when the drug is often taken, then body dependence on it start happening.
In the treatment of the lower back pain, the Cyclobenzaprine Dosage is found more useful than carisoprodol, tizanidine, and orphenadrine. Also, none of the drugs are proven beneficial for long term use.
Besides treating the chronic muscle spasm and back pain, cyclobenzaprine is also found an effective treatment of fibromyalgia. However, in the same cyclobenzaprine cannot be considered as the first class of treatment. In one of the study, it is found the high dose of cyclobenzaprine is not effective in treating the fibromyalgia due to the high fatigue experienced by the patient after taking the medicine. However, the small dose of cyclobenzaprine is found quite useful as it helps in reducing the fatigue, depression, and anxiety while improving the patient’s sleep.
The low dose also helps the patient with the pain that comes with the fibromyalgia.
Let’s Take a Look at Cyclobenzaprine Dosage Side Effects
There are several adverse effects of Flexiril/ Cyclobenzaprine Dosage, but they are not life-threatening. Increased dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth are among the few standard associated with the consumption of Cyclobenzaprine.
When the patient takes the increased dose, these symptoms or side effects increases. On many parts of the body, the Cyclobenzaprine also have certain sedative effects. The consumption of the drug also often blocks the serotonin and muscarinic receptors, which inhibits the release of chemicals in the brain, due to which patients feel an increase in agitation towards others.
Since the structure of the drug is closely related to tricyclic antidepressants, it is advisable to keep a close watch on the treatment Cyclobenzaprine for any change in the behavior. Among elderly, it is advisable NOT to use the drug on any recommended dose or at all. In older people, the drug exhibited the increased side effects, which become more relentless on continuous use.
It has been observed that when elderly people takes the Cyclobenzaprine specifically in the combination of other antidepressants, it decreases the motor function of seniors as compared to young adults.
A severe adverse reaction can be observed with Cyclobenzaprine high / Flexeril high dosage.

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The Cyclobenzaprine side effects are augmented when other antidepressants are used, for instance, alcohol. It is witnessed that alcohol can amplify the effect of fatigue, drowsiness, and loss of motor function. It is advisable if the patient is consuming the Cyclobenzaprine then all other MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) must be avoided 2-weeks after completing the course of Cyclobenzaprine just to prevent any life-threatening illness.
The MAOIs are used to treat the Parkinson’s disease and depression. Also, MAOIs should be consumed in combination with other drugs like marplan, nardil, zyvox, azilect, parnate, and emsam.
Also, if the patient has any history of heart problems like previous heart attacks or blockage the consumption of Cyclobenzaprine must be avoided.
Cyclobenzaprine Overdose
If the patient overdose on Cyclobenzaprine, the most common side effects observed, include tachycardia (an abnormal heart rate) and drowsiness. However, in rarest cases, the overdose cause side effects like cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiac arrest, seizures and severe hypotension. If the patient experiences any of such symptom during cyclobenzaprine 7.5mg medication immediately, contact the physician and reveal all the problems and side effects.
Also, Cyclobenzaprine high doses may result into ataxia, which is a neurological condition. In ataxia, the patient loses control on his or her muscle movement. It is advisable that pregnant patient must consult their doctor before taking the medicine. In particular cases, for instance during pregnancy, one should only take the Cyclobenzaprine only if it can outweigh the impending consequences.
Simultaneously, if the patient is breast feeding or planning to do so first consult the doctor and follow their advice only. It is found from the studies that Cyclobenzaprine passes into the breast milk like other drugs.
The Dose of Cyclobenzaprine
In most cases, the Cyclobenzaprine is taken orally. However, the dose amount is entirely based on the age of the patient, and other medications patient is taking currently. The oral Cyclobenzaprine is available on the market by the name of felxmid, felxeril and novo-cyclosporine. And, also accessible in a generic form called amriz.
Multiple pharmacies use the Cyclobenzaprine in topical creams. For the patients who are 15 years of age and older, the first dose is recommended cyclobenzaprine 5mg tablets, which must be consumed orally and three times a day.
If the patient’s doctor approves then, the dose can be further increased between 7 and 10 milligrams and three times a day.
Alternatively, there is Cyclobenzaprine 10mg extended release pill that patient can consume once in a day and orally. The five milligrams is limited in elderly patients and with the physician’s discretion only. Depending on the patient’s response doctor can either avoid or increase the dose.
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