Top 6 Health Concerns Which Can Happen After A Car Accident


While cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, and bone fractures require immediate medical attention, most car crash injuries take days or weeks to manifest. If left untreated, these could disrupt life activities, lifelong impairments, coma, or even death. Thus, it’s essential to watch out for health concerns that may arise after a car crash and promptly seek medical care for such injuries.


health concerns


Top Health Concerns After A Car Accident

There are several health concerns to watch out for when you’re in a car crash accident. These can manifest in various ways, such as:

1. Neck and Back Injury

Neck and back injury, known as whiplash, is a typical car accident injury. The sharp back and forth motion of the neck from a rear-end collision can cause overextension of nerves and soft tissues.

Neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and numbness of arms or hands can develop in a day or two. If left untreated, it can result in blurred vision or memory loss. Should you find yourself experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, you can check out this blog to find medical help for your condition.


2. Herniated Disc

The impact of a car collision can result in a herniated disc. This condition occurs when ruptured tissues between the vertebrae place pressure and inflame nerves, which cause severe pain, numbness, and loss of muscle control in arms and legs.

A herniated disc often requires surgery as a corrective method to prevent lifelong disability.

Car Accident

3. Strains, Sprains, and Fractures

Soft tissue damage, as well as bone fractures, are additional health concerns following a car accident. Strains involve tears in the tendons and muscles, while sprains refer to damages in ligaments and joints. Fractures, on the other hand, occur as chips or breaks in bones. Soft tissue injuries often involve the knees, shoulders, and arms.

Common symptoms of sprains, strains, and fractures are pain, swelling, and limited mobility of muscles and joints. These injuries may require surgery and therapy to regain control over one’s bones and muscles.


4. Abdominal Pain

The impact of an intense collision can result in damage of various internal organs and may cause fractures on the ribcage. This event can result in abdominal pain together with dizziness, fever, diarrhea, or constipation. Also, swelling in the stomach area can indicate internal bleeding.

Both are severe conditions that warrant immediate medical treatment to prevent sepsis, coma, or death.

5. Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

A severe blow on the head from a car crash can cause a concussion. Damaged brain tissues can make a person feel dizzy, nauseous, and confused. It may progress in time as traumatic injury (TBI) can trigger mood swings, altered sleeping patterns, enhance sensitivity to light or loud noises, and even memory loss.

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Car accidents can also cause trauma to injured persons. They may develop phobias that refrain them from riding or driving altogether. They may even avoid people or places that remind them of the accident as these trigger flashbacks and awaken emotions involved in the accident.

An individual suffering from PTSD shows behavioral changes such as being moody, impatient, easily distracted, or easily startled. They exhibit altered sleeping and eating patterns and show severe anxiety.


PTSD is a severe condition that requires medication to manage its symptoms. It also entails participating in various forms of therapy to provide the victim with the needed coping skills.

Seek Medical Help

The absence of visible signs of injury may indicate that you’re okay after the accident. However, the next 24 hours and beyond are critical since this is the time that symptoms of internal injuries manifest. The slightest indication of headache or body pain warrants immediate medical evaluation to determine if you have bone fractures or internal bleeding. It’s best to consult a medical professional and inform them of your recent accident so they can provide you with the appropriate medical intervention.


Regardless of how minor it may seem, being involved in a car accident has severe implications on your health and well-being. Therefore, it’s essential to pay attention to what you feel during the aftermathas this can indicate severe internal injuries.

Noticing changes in one’s moods, sleep patterns, eating habits, and increased sensitivity or anxiety can indicate brain injuries and health issues. All of these concerns require medical attention to prevent further complications, such as a disability or even death.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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