Top 10 Highest Paid Personal Trainers in USA 2024


In the world of fitness, some personal trainers have risen to celebrity status, commanding top dollar for their expertise.


These fitness gurus don’t just sculpt bodies; they’ve built empires.

From Hollywood’s elite to everyday fitness enthusiasts, their influence spans far and wide.

In 2024, the highest-paid trainers in the USA are more than just workout instructors – they’re authors, entrepreneurs, and media personalities.

Their success comes from a mix of star-studded client lists, innovative fitness methods, and savvy business moves.


Let’s dive into the lives and careers of the top 10 trainers who are not only shaping bodies but also shaping the fitness industry itself.

Top 10 Highest Paid Personal Trainers in USA 2024

Highest Paid Personal Trainers in USA


[Picture Designed By Drobotdean From Freepik]

We would like to thank Gym Bills for helping us while creating this detailed guide and you can also visit their official website for all gym-related guides.

Who Makes the Most Money as a Personal Trainer?

It’s hard to know exactly how much personal trainers make. Many don’t share their income publicly. But we can make some good guesses based on what we know about their work and fame.


Here are some things that help trainers earn big money:

  • Famous clients: Trainers who work with movie stars and other celebrities can charge a lot more.
  • Books and products: Many top trainers write books or sell workout gear with their names on it.
  • TV and social media: Appearing on TV or having lots of followers online can boost a trainer’s income.
  • Their gyms or programs: Some trainers start their fitness centers or create workout plans to sell.

Let’s look at how we figure out who the top earners are.

How We Picked the Highest Paid Trainers?

We can’t know for sure how much these trainers make each year. But we can make good guesses based on:

  1. Who they train: Working with famous people usually means higher pay.
  2. What they sell: Books, videos, and gear all add to a trainer’s income.
  3. Where they appear: Being on TV or in magazines can mean more money.
  4. What they’ve built: Trainers with their businesses often earn more.

Here’s a table showing what we think the top trainers might be making:

Name Yearly Income (Guess) Total Worth (Guess)
Gunnar Peterson $1 – 5 million $15 – 30 million
Harley Pasternak $1 – 5 million $10 – 20 million
Tracy Anderson $1 – 5 million $100 million
Lou Ferrigno $500,000 – 2 million $6 – 12 million
Bob Greene $500,000 – 2 million $5 – 10 million

Remember, these are just guesses. The real numbers could be different.


Now, let’s meet the top 10 highest-paid personal trainers in America!

Top 10 Highest Paid Personal Trainers in America

  • #1 – Gunnar Peterson

Gunnar Peterson is a big name in Hollywood fitness. He trains stars like:

  • Kim Kardashian
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Bruce Willis
  • Jennifer Lopez

Peterson is known for his fun workouts. He makes clients laugh while they sweat. He’s been a trainer for over 20 years and works with all kinds of people, not just stars.

Peterson is more than just a trainer. He:

  • Speaks at events
  • Writes for fitness magazines
  • Appears on TV shows

You can learn more about him at

  • #2 – Harley Pasternak

Harley Pasternak has an impressive client list:

  • Lady Gaga
  • Alicia Keys
  • Jessica Simpson
  • Orlando Bloom
  • Halle Berry
  • Miley Cyrus

Pasternak isn’t just a trainer. He’s also:

  • A nutrition expert with a master’s degree
  • The creator of the 5-Factor diet
  • An author of diet books
  • The face of his food product line

He even helped Lady Gaga work out right before she went on stage at the Grammys!

  • #3 – Lou Ferrigno

You might know Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk from the old TV show. But he’s also a top personal trainer. Ferrigno is:

  • A former Mr. Universe and Mr. America
  • An actor in movies and TV shows
  • The voice of the Hulk in some cartoons
  • A fitness product seller

Ferrigno and his wife Carla (also a trainer) help raise money for muscular dystrophy research.

  • #4 – Bob Greene

Bob Greene is famous for being Oprah Winfrey’s trainer. But he does a lot more:

  • Writes books about health and fitness
  • Creates an online weight loss program called Best Life
  • Makes a butter replacement product
  • Helps people with diabetes lose weight

Greene is respected by both fitness fans and doctors for his work fighting type 2 diabetes.

  • #5 – David Buer

David Buer trains big names like:

  • L.L. Cool J
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Tyler Perry

Buer has an inspiring story. He used to be an overweight kid who got bullied. Now he’s a top trainer with his picture on billboards in Atlanta.

Buer is great at helping people get fit after injuries. He learned how to do this after a car crash ended his dream of being an Olympic runner.

  • #6 – Mark Jenkins

Mark Jenkins works with music stars like:

  • Sean “P. Diddy” Combs
  • Mary J. Blige
  • Beyonce
  • Busta Rhymes

Jenkins does more than just train people:

  • He sells vitamins at GNC stores
  • Makes a workout DVD called “90-Day Transformation”
  • and Speaks for the United Way charity
  • Created a fitness program for kids

Jenkins also wrote a book and owns a company that trains performing artists.

  • #7 – Michael George

Michael George trains Hollywood stars like:

  • Reese Witherspoon
  • Julianne Moore
  • Meg Ryan
  • Christian Slater

George doesn’t just focus on exercise. He helps people with their mind and spirit too. He uses:

  • Yoga
  • Martial arts
  • Strength training
  • Core workouts

George is also a smart businessman. He has:

  • A fitness app
  • An Xbox game
  • A fitness book
  • #8 – Joe DiAngelo

Joe DiAngelo is known for:

  • Writing for fitness magazines
  • Speaking at events
  • Being named the best trainer by big magazines

DiAngelo knows a lot about how the body and mind work together. He uses this to help his clients do their best.

  • #9 – Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson is famous for training:

  • Madonna
  • Gwyneth Paltrow

Anderson created her workout method. It’s like Pilates but with some differences. She:

  • Opened her gym in New York
  • Invented a new exercise machine
  • Created new workout moves

Anderson believes anyone can have a great body, no matter how old they are.

  • #10 – Danny Musico

Danny Musico has trained actors for big movie roles:

  • Leonardo DiCaprio in “The Fighter”
  • Hillary Swank in “Million Dollar Baby”
  • Sylvester Stallone in “Rocky”

Musico is a former boxing champion. He:

  • Trains celebrities
  • Gives motivational speeches
  • Has his clothing line

People call Musico the “Picasso of celebrity trainers” because he’s so good at what he does.

What’s the Secret to Their Success?

These top trainers are more than just gym teachers. They:

  • Have degrees in fitness or health
  • Keep learning new things about exercise and diet
  • Know how to motivate people
  • Create their workout plans
  • Write books and make videos
  • Work with famous people
  • Start their businesses

They’ve turned their names into brands, just like the stars they train!

FAQs About Personal Training Careers

Can you make $100,000 as a personal trainer?

Yes, you can. But it’s not easy. To make this much, you might need to:

  • Work in a big city
  • Train wealthy clients
  • Start your own business
  • Sell workout plans online
  • Write for fitness magazines
  • Speak at events

Can you get rich as a personal trainer?

It’s possible, but not common. The richest trainers usually:

  • Create their workout programs
  • Sell fitness products
  • Write books
  • Appear on TV or in movies
  • Train celebrities

How to become a celebrity personal trainer?

  1. Get good at training
  2. Learn about nutrition too
  3. Work at gyms where celebrities go
  4. Make connections in the entertainment world
  5. Create a unique training style
  6. Build a strong online presence

Where can athletic trainers make the most money?

Athletic trainers can earn the most working for:

  • Pro sports teams
  • Big universities
  • Private health clinics
  • In large cities

Who is the best personal trainer in the world?

There’s no one “best” trainer. It depends on what you’re looking for. Some well-known trainers are:

  • Joe Wicks (known for easy-to-follow workouts)
  • Kayla Itsines (famous for her BBG program)
  • Tony Horton (creator of P90X)

How do personal trainers make so much money?

Top-earning trainers usually don’t just train people one-on-one. They also:

  • Run group classes
  • Sell online courses
  • Create fitness apps
  • Write books
  • Appear in ads
  • Start their gyms

Is a personal trainer a good career choice?

It can be if you:

  • Love fitness
  • Enjoy helping people
  • Are good at motivating others
  • Don’t mind irregular hours
  • Are willing to keep learning

The job can be rewarding and pays well if you become successful.


How much does the average personal trainer earn in the US?

The average is about $42,000 per year. But this can vary a lot based on:

  • Where you work
  • How much experience do you have
  • What certifications do you hold
  • Whether you work for yourself or a gym

What are some ways to make money from fitness?

There are many ways, including:

  • Personal training
  • Group fitness classes
  • Online Coaching
  • Writing a fitness blog
  • Selling workout plans
  • Opening a gym
  • Creating a fitness app
  • Selling workout gear

How can I become a fitness influencer?

  1. Pick your main social media platform (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok)
  2. Post regularly about your workouts and diet
  3. Share tips and advice
  4. Engage with your followers
  5. Collaborate with other fitness people
  6. Be consistent and patient – it takes time to grow a following

Which personal training certification is the best one?

There’s no single “best” certification. The good ones are:

  • Accredited by NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Agencies)
  • Recognized by many gyms
  • Require continuing education

Popular certifications include:

  • NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
  • ACE (American Council on Exercise)
  • ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association)

Research each one to see which fits your goals best.

How can I start an online personal training business?

  1. Get certified as a trainer
  2. Choose a niche (like weight loss or strength training)
  3. Create a website
  4. Set up social media accounts
  5. Develop workout plans and videos
  6. Use video chat for live sessions
  7. Market your services online
  8. Keep learning and improving your skills

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Personal training can be a great career if you’re passionate about fitness and helping others.

The top earners in this field do more than just train people – they build brands, create products, and become celebrities in their own right.

While not every trainer will become a millionaire, there are many ways to earn a good living in fitness.


Whether you dream of training stars in Hollywood or helping people in your hometown get healthy, personal training offers lots of opportunities.

Remember, success in this field takes hard work, continuous learning, and great people skills.

But for those who love fitness and enjoy motivating others, it can be a very rewarding path.

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