7 Fast-Acting Home Remedies For Toothache


One of the dental problems that can happen to anybody is toothache. Apart from the tooth and gum area feeling painful and throbbing, it can also manifest through a headache and a sore mouth. Depending on how long the toothache has been ongoing or the severity of its pain, it can cause discomfort. In some cases, it may be difficult to set a dentist appointment as soon as you feel a toothache. So, it may be helpful to know how you can ease the pain using items in your house.


Toothache Remedies At Home

Suffering from a toothache is quite normal for kids and adults. Before you even head out to the dentist, if the pain is only minor, there might be certain things you can do at home to ease the pain. When it persists, you can try this out for a trustworthy dentist to address the problem from the root.

Some of these fast-acting home remedies include:

1. Salt And Water

Gargling with salt and water is one of the most popular, common, and cheapest antiseptic or antibacterial solutions kids and adults can do at home. You can easily make it at home, and it works well in preventing a toothache from getting worse. Because it’s a natural disinfectant, this means it can loosen the food particles that may be stuck in your teeth. In effect, it heals and treats whatever inflammation and oral wounds that’s in your mouth.


To ensure this works efficiently, mix ½ tsp of salt in a glass of warm water as your natural mouthwash when you have a toothache. You can use this remedy once or twice dailyuntil you feel better.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

If you need something a bit stronger than the usual saltwater rinse, you can opt to go for hydrogen peroxide. It’s a chemical solution you can use to ease toothaches or lessen any mouth inflammation. Just be sure you’re careful with this and you don’t try it out for children as you can’t swallow hydrogen peroxide. You’ve got to make sure after gargling, you spit out the liquid immediately.

Hydrogen peroxide contains both oxygen and hydrogen, and this mixture works to become an oxidizing agent. In effect, it can kill whatever bacteria and other living cells in your mouth which may be causing the ache.

There are also other benefits in gargling hydrogen peroxide, including:

  • Whitening your teeth;
  • Treating gum disease;
  • Reducing minor mouth sores.

Overall, using hydrogen peroxide to ease your toothache and improve your overall oral health is a great idea. So, if you can, keep a bottle in your home to prepare for any dental emergencies.

3. Over-The-Counter (OTC) Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers are always a staple in every home’s first aid kit. This is because OTCs can address any kind of pain you may be experiencing, giving you immediate results.

But make sure you don’t become dependent on these pain relievers. Use it only when you absolutely have to and be sure to follow the proper dosage and spacing instructions. Typically, this should only be taken once every four to six hours.

4. Cold Compress


Applying a cold compress on the affected area is also another common household remedy for almost any kind of pain. All you need is ice, wrap it with a towel, and then press or gently compress it on the affected area.

The cold coming from the ice can create a numbing effect, which gives you relief from the pain. This is also effective at reducing inflammation and swelling in the affected area. If you have a persisting toothache, a cold compress may only provide a temporary solution. So, it’s still advisable you visit your dentist if you don’t see an improvement in your oral condition.

5. Garlic Cloves

Garlic is in every household pantry, so you’re sure to have this around. If you don’t want to take in OTC pain relievers or anesthetics, you can opt for this natural option instead as it’s one of the most effective herbal remedies for tooth pain.

All you have to do is rub the garlic cloves on the affected gum and tooth area. This can work to be as effective as benzocaine, the numbing ingredient found in many OTC toothache gels.


6. Peppermint Tea Bags

Do you have peppermint tea bags at home? Apart from enjoying it as a tea, you can also take it in as a relief to numb pain and to relax sensitive gums. You can drink it to help ease your condition whenever your gums feel painful or inflamed.

Prepare the tea bag as you normally would for a drink. Rather than dispose of the bag, set it on a table to cool before applying to the affected area. You can use the tea bag as a compress to relax your affected tooth and gums. It doesn’t necessarily have to be cold. It needs only to be slightly warm to provide relief, pressing it to your gum and tooth area.

7. Vanilla Extract

To the bakers at home, your vanilla extract supply also has another purpose apart from simply making your cakes taste better. Did you know that vanilla extract contains alcohol? This is great to help numb the affected area; this also has antioxidants to heal the surrounding area of the tooth pain.


You can use your finger with a small quantity of vanilla extract and rub it on the affected tooth.


With all the home remedies listed above, it’s important to remember, these aren’t meant to be a substitute for medical advice. In some cases, they only provide temporary relief until you can get a professional to look into your condition. So, if the pain does persist, then it’s a good idea to go see a dentist. These fast-acting home remedies are only meant for those minimal issues that go away after trying them out.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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