How to Deal With Fibrocystic Breasts


Fibrocystic breast disease is a very common problem. Several studies indicate that around 50% of women face fibrocystic breasts in their lifetime. Although termed fibrocystic breast disease in general, it is not a disease. The symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease can be painful, but it’s not a serious threat to your health. This article will look at several ways to deal with fibrocystic breasts.


What Is Fibrocystic Breast Disease?

Fibrocystic breast disease is more common in women over 30, but it can occur at any age. This condition isn’t serious or life-threatening, but it can be painful and annoying—especially when you’re trying to sleep at night!

As you may have guessed, fibrocystic breast disease means that your breasts have lumps or cysts caused by an overproduction of milk ducts under the skin (a buildup similar to what happens with acne). When these lumps get large enough to feel them under your skin, they become tender and painful.

The good news about this condition is that it doesn’t pose significant health risks for most people. However, if you experience symptoms such as fever or chills after eating certain foods like ice cream, see a doctor immediately because those could indicate cancerous growths within your body.

Fibrocystic Breasts



What Causes Fibrocystic Breast Disease?

While there are several causes of fibrocystic breast disease, hormonal changes are the most common among them. Women may experience worsening symptoms before and during their menstrual cycle. This is because periods can lower iodine levels in the body, which disrupts hormonal cycles. Low iodine and hormone changes can lead to the development of cysts in breasts leading to fibrocystic breasts. Increased estrogen levels and low iodine can also cause breast tenderness during menstruation that lasts up to two weeks after menstruation ends.

In some cases, fibrocystic breast disease is hereditary. It’s caused by genetic factors that may affect hormone levels, breast sensitivity to hormones, or caffeine consumption. Yes, you read that right. Excessive caffeine intake can also cause cysts in the breasts.

Caffeine has been linked to fibrocystic breast disease (a noncancerous condition characterized by lumpy, painful lumps on the breast) because it can increase hormone levels called prolactin which causes fluid retention in breast tissue.

Caffeine is a stimulant and can cause fluid retention. This means you may notice your breasts swelling or feeling heavy and tender due to caffeine intake. When we consume caffeine, it causes the body to release stress hormones that prepare us for action. The downside is that these stress hormones also increase blood flow and therefore swelling in the breasts.

It’s important to identify your risk for the condition so you can take steps to reduce it.


How to Deal With Fibrocystic Breast Disease

There are several ways to deal with the pain, tenderness, and swelling associated with fibrocystic breast disease. Here are some of the best ways:

Take Breast Cyst Supplements

Breast cyst supplements can help ease fibrocystic breast pain. If you have fibrocystic breast disease, a deficiency of some vitamins and minerals may be one reason they occur. Lack of vitamin E and iodine can often lead to this problem before and after the menstrual cycle. While there are many ways to include vitamin E and iodine in your diet, you can also rely on supplements if you are concerned about not getting enough of them.

Iodine is a mineral that helps improve the thyroid gland’s efficiency. Your thyroid gland is vital in improving breast development and health. Hence, taking iodine supplements can help alleviate breast pain and discomfort.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. It’s also found in nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy green vegetables.

Hence, taking breast cyst supplements that include iodine and vitamin E can help deal with fibrocystic breast disease.


Changes in Your Diet

There are several dietary changes that you can make to help reduce the effects of fibrocystic breasts.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These can be major causes of hormonal imbalance, contributing to fibrocystic breasts.
  • Eat healthy fats. Contrary to popular belief, it’s good for you! Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements or foods like salmon, sardines, and avocados have been shown to reduce inflammation in your body. They may improve symptoms like tenderness and pain associated with fibrocystic breasts. Supplements made with vitamin E may also help reduce breast pain by reducing fluid retention surrounding the lumps caused by cysts on your breast tissue.
  • Eat foods high in magnesium like spinach, chia seeds, almonds, cashews, bananas, and sunflower seeds. Magnesium helps prevent muscle cramps that cause localized discomfort within one area at a time. This mineral also prevents spasms throughout your entire body, so if you’re experiencing them elsewhere, it could mean there’s an underlying deficiency!

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies may help relieve symptoms of fibrocystic breasts. In fact, many herbs can help with this condition. Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) is a small bush that produces small, round fruits that taste like berries or cherries. It’s believed to help regulate hormones in the body and has been used for centuries to treat conditions such as menstrual irregularities and infertility.

Evening primrose oil is a plant oil that contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which may be beneficial for women suffering from breast pain related to hormone imbalances. Milk thistle has been shown to reduce inflammation associated with fibrocystic breasts. Hence, it is also used as an alternative treatment for breast cancer.

These herbs don’t work for everyone, but it’s worth giving them a try before resorting to conventional medicines or surgery.

Over-the-Counter Pain Killers

Pain killers can help ease symptoms, but it is not advised. They can mask the pain but not treat the problem. They can cause side effects such as nausea and drowsiness. Furthermore, they are not recommended because they are addictive and habit-forming. They also tend to be expensive and dangerous if taken in large quantities or in conjunction with alcohol consumption.


Lifestyle and Home Remedy Tips for Preventing Fibrocystic Breasts

While this lifestyle and home remedy tips don’t guarantee that you won’t develop fibrocystic breasts, they can help reduce the risk of developing them or significantly lessen their severity.

  • Avoid caffeine: Caffeine is a diuretic that causes your body to lose more water than usual. This can make your breasts feel fuller and more painful. Try drinking less coffee and tea, or switch to decaf versions if possible.
  • Exercise regularly: While fibrocystic breasts are not related to weight gain, staying active will help prevent weight gain and keep your body healthy overall, which helps reduce breast tenderness. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous; simply walking daily can be very beneficial in fighting off fibrocystic breast symptoms!
  • Wear a firm bra: A well-fitted bra will support your chest while exercising or during sleep by keeping breast tissue from becoming overstretched or compressed against itself, which may trigger pain. Wearing a sports bra during exercise or while sleeping is also recommended since these types of bras offer extra support without sacrificing style as some other styles do, so they’re perfect for those who need extra support yet still like wearing something pretty close fitted around their waistline area.


Fibrocystic breast disease is a widespread problem but can be easily dealt with. All you need is to find out the underlying cause and deal with it to alleviate the symptoms. Usually, it occurs by hormonal imbalance during the periods. The pain can become severe due to iodine and vitamin E deficiency. Hence, taking vitamin E or iodine supplements can quickly help you with the problem.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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