What You Need to Know Before Heading to an Abortion Clinic


Circumstances sometimes don’t work in our favor and life can throw some curveballs at us, which we can either deal with or let affect us negatively. From losing your job to breaking a long-term relationship or even your car breaking down, all these can either cost you money or lose you some.


In the case where there is nothing else you can do but choose an option that may be risky, it is always best to consult professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to handle such situations. One such decision is that of getting an abortion. Not something everyone would opt for or choose to do, but sometimes it could be the only available option to you. This abstract can tell you more about why women have abortions.

When it’s time to get the procedure done, whether surgically or via the abortion pill there is some preparation work to be done beforehand. We look at this, and other helpful information for you below.

abortion clinic


Prepping for an Abortion Procedure

Sometimes you may or may not be able to decide properly by yourself, which is why there are several different places you can go to, to seek help. A medical clinic is one of these. Consulting your GP or doctor is the best thing in this circumstance. Meet your doctor face to face and speak about it and they will able to help you or point you to a place that could.


When you visit your doctor, he or she will likely take some tests such as blood and urine, and evaluate your medical history as well as your health overall. They will also assess the pregnancy and confirm the results via a physical examination.

Most doctors will do a procedure known as an ultrasound scan which can help determine the date of the pregnancy, and how far along you are as well as check for other inconsistencies such as a lump in your ovaries: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/ultrasound-scan/

They will also take a urine test and explain all the steps regarding getting an abortion including any of the side effects and possible complications or risks attached to the procedure whether it is surgical or via the means of a specified pill.

During this process, it is also important to speak to those involved such as your partner, and also any support systems such as friends or family members. Sometimes a different perspective can help you weigh your options and give you answers to the best direction to take.

With something as important and crucial as this, it is a good idea to keep in mind that no doctor is obliged to follow the process or abide by it. An elective abortion is a personal decision, however, some medical practitioners do not offer this solution.


abortion clinic

What Can You Expect

This type of technique does not involve any anesthetic, which most often you pay for. It can also be done in the comfort of your own home or at a clinic. Whatever method is more comfortable with you is the one you should go for. It is also important to keep in mind that you need time to do such a thing, especially due to the recovery times, which can last up to 3 weeks.

Plus, you need to visit your GP as often as possible once it’s completed. Several medications can be used to accomplish this namely:

Mifeprex or oral mifepristone and thereafter a second pill known as Cytotec or oral misoprostol. These are some of the most common ones given to women who are looking to terminate any pregnancy inside of 10 weeks.

They are administered within the first 7 weeks of your last period and can be acquired via a free women’s clinic in Charlotte. These are usually the same ones that are also prescribed by your general practitioner and no others should be used instead of these or along with any other medication you may be currently taking. In which case you need to mention anything else you on, to your doctor.


The Two Common Pills Administered for A Medical Abortion

As approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Association) The first one, Mifepristone aids in blocking one of the hormones that are readily produced in the body i.e. progesterone. This will result in the thinning of the uterus walls or lining and will halt the embryo from staying in place and growing. The second pill, namely, Misoprostol works in a slightly different way from the first. It makes the uterus contract resulting in an expulsion of the embryo through the vagina, similar to when you have your monthly periods.

The first pill is usually taken at the doctor’s office, and the second one can be taken either a few hours later or a few days later depending on how far along with your pregnancy you are and other factors such as age. Thereafter, you will need to book an appointment with your clinic for a second-round of check-ups to make sure the process has been fully completed.

There are other ways to administer the pills, i.e. through the vagina and under your tongue (sublingually). These two can lessen the side-effects caused by the entire process and are a slow-moving option. This manner is done over nine weeks from concept to completion and is within the first day of your last period.

There is also the second route of having surgery. Check with your clinic and doctor to make sure which one is the right one for you. Usually, surgery is an option if your more than 10 weeks pregnant.

As always, when it comes to your health, no matter what the circumstances, it should be a priority. After you have had your initial consultation with your GP you, and no one else, should decide whether you should still go ahead with it or not. Take into consideration long term effects and the side-effects you will go through as well.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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