Questions to Ask When Choosing a Care Home


When choosing a care home for an elderly family member it’s important to feel confident that you are entrusting your loved one into the hands of a caring and competent service provider. The mental, emotional, and physical well-being of your relative is paramount; to hand over responsibility for their welfare to another will understandably come with some concerns, and it is only natural to question whether a care home is the right option for your loved one.


Choosing a Care Home


In this article, we have outlined some questions for you to ask a potential care home to help alleviate any concerns you may have, and to assist you in making the best decision when it comes to looking after an elderly relative.


A care home that offers numerous interesting and stimulating activities to keep your relative happy and fulfilled during their stay will no doubt be a priority. Knowing they won’t feel lonely and isolated, confined to their room all day will bring you much peace of mind.

Inquire about the different types of activities that the care home offers, for example, social activities, physical exercise, education, and outdoor activities. If your loved one has particular hobbies such as painting or gardening ask if these are included. It’s also a great opportunity to sit in on some of the classes to get an idea of what is involved.



If your relative has special dietary requirements, will these be accounted for? Is there a dining room where residents eat their meals? If so, ask to see it along with some example menus to get an idea of the types of meals that are offered to residents.

Ask if there are set mealtimes and whether there is any flexibility for this. If you know that your elderly relative likes to take naps in the afternoon, will this clash with their lunchtime?

Visiting Hours

Knowing you can still see your loved one whenever you decide to will be a reassuring thought. Whether it’s a phone call or a car journey away, you want to feel confident that you will be able to communicate regularly.

When selecting the right care home for your relative, look for one that offers open visiting hours that allow residents to see their families at any time.

Due to the pandemic, many care homes have had to restrict their opening hours and limit in-person visits. Ask the care home what their policy is and what alternative methods of communication they have put in place to help families stay in touch. For example, do they offer iPads to residents so they can have video calls, or are window visits allowed?



Ask to see what a resident’s bedroom looks like and the facilities that are included. This will allow you to check the bedding, furniture, and other items such as an ensuite bathroom.  Does the shower or bath have features that assist the elderly? Is the furniture comfortable and does the room allow in enough light?

By taking a guided tour of a care home such as Husky Senior Care you can also ask to be shown other spaces such as a library, garden, living room, and recreational areas.

The four questions highlighted in this article should serve as a useful guide in helping your aging relative live independently and happily in their new home.

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