11 Ways to Stay Safe & Healthy While Traveling


Traveling opens up new worlds, offering us the chance to explore different cultures. However, as exciting as traveling is, our health and safety should always be a priority. The importance of staying healthy while traveling has increased tenfold in the post-pandemic era, where travel has taken on a new complexity. The World Health Organization reports that in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were approximately 1.4 billion international tourist arrivals worldwide. Fast forward to 2022, and the landscape of global travel was vastly different, with international tourism decreasing by nearly 49% compared to 2019 due to travel restrictions and lockdowns.


Moving forward, tourism on a worldwide scale is projected to continue its recuperation and growth in the year 2023. According to UNWTO’s projections for 2023, international tourism is expected to continue recovering and reach between 80% and 95% of pre-pandemic levels this year. While the thrill of travel is returning, one cannot expect everything to go back the same. The pandemic has forever changed our approach to health and safety; these considerations now weigh heavily in our travel plans. Even beyond the threat of the virus, the general health and safety measures for travelers remain as important as ever.

Stay Safe & Healthy While Traveling


One key aspect of travel safety is being prepared and proactive about potential health issues. Let’s outline some essential health tips you need to consider to ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

Carrying Essential Health Equipment

For those dependent on electronic health devices like a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, check the power supply and plug points at your destination. When carrying essential health equipment, it’s important to ensure proper handling and transportation to maintain its integrity and functionality. The Avive’s AED carrying case, which is rugged and durable, can fit an AED along with spare defibrillator pads and a rescue kit, making it an ideal travel companion for heart patients or adventure travelers.


Know Your Travel Destination Before Setting Out

When researching your destination, make sure to investigate the local healthcare system’s quality and accessibility. Identify the nearest hospitals and understand how to get emergency medical assistance if needed. Additionally, check for any vaccinations or health precautions recommended by global health authorities for that region. Are there mosquito-borne diseases or a high risk of food poisoning? Knowing these can help you pack protective clothing or necessary medications.

Travel Insurance: A Must-Have

When selecting a travel insurance plan, ensure it covers medical evacuation, which can be incredibly expensive without insurance. Look at the specifics of what each policy covers. Some might not include injuries from adventurous activities like scuba diving or mountaineering, which might be relevant to your trip. It’s also wise to check the policy on pre-existing conditions if applicable.

The Role of Vaccinations and Medications

If you’re traveling to a country with a risk of Yellow Fever, for example, an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) might be required on entry. Besides, consider carrying a basic set of medications for common illnesses such as fever, diarrhea, and respiratory issues. Always keep prescription drugs in their original packaging to avoid complications at customs checks.

Hydration and Healthy Eating

Research local food and drink safety. In some areas, it’s advisable to avoid tap water, ice, or certain types of raw food. Also, travel can disrupt regular diet patterns, potentially affecting individuals with conditions like diabetes. Maintaining a diet log can be helpful to ensure you’re getting balanced nutrition.

Physical Activity and Exercise

Planning physical activities according to your fitness level is key. If you’re not regularly active, sudden strenuous activities can put a strain on your body. Also, consider the impact of altitude if you’re planning activities like hiking or trekking. Acclimatization can take a couple of days, and pushing your body hard at high altitudes can lead to serious health conditions like altitude sickness.


Importance of Good Sleep

A lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and affect your mood and overall health. Jet lag, a common occurrence when traveling across time zones, can disrupt your sleep pattern and make you feel groggy. To combat this, gradually adjust your sleeping and eating schedule a few days before your trip to align more closely with your destination. Hydrate well and avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can exacerbate the symptoms of jet lag. If you’re on medication, discuss with your doctor how to manage the timing of doses to account for time zone changes.

Mental Health Matters

It’s important to remember that while travel is often portrayed as relentlessly glamorous and fun, it can sometimes be stressful, disorienting, and even lonely. If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, taking a step back and giving yourself permission to rest is essential.

If you’re managing a mental health condition, ensure you have a sufficient supply of your medication for the duration of the trip, taking into account potential travel delays. Be aware of how time zone changes might affect when you take your medicine, and ask your healthcare provider for guidance if needed.

Finally, make sure you have access to a support network even while away – whether that’s through scheduled check-ins with a trusted friend or family member or through telehealth sessions with a mental health professional.

Personal Hygiene Practices

Personal hygiene is crucial when traveling to protect yourself and others from illness. Simple measures like regular handwashing can greatly reduce your risk of infection. Travel with a small hygiene kit equipped with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, tissues, and a face mask. Use the wipes to clean high-touch surfaces like airplane seatbelt buckles, tray tables, and hotel remote controls. It’s also a good idea to have a small pack of tissues at the ready, as well as a mask, in case you find yourself in a crowded situation where social distancing isn’t possible.


Preventing Common Travel Ailments

Travelers can sometimes experience health problems from changing environments. For example, high-altitude destinations can cause altitude sickness, resulting in symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness. If your travel plans involve such destinations, allow time for acclimatization, stay hydrated, and consider asking your doctor about medications that can help you adjust. Similarly, motion sickness is a common ailment that can affect those who travel by car, boat, or plane. Over-the-counter medications, wristbands, or certain foods and drinks can help mitigate these symptoms.

First Aid Kit Essentials

A travel first aid kit equipped with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, medical tape, and various common over-the-counter medications can be a lifesaver. Depending on your destination, you should include water purification tablets, insect repellents, sunscreen, and rehydration packets. Remember, it’s not enough to just have these supplies – make sure you also know how to use them effectively.


Traveling can be a rewarding experience, but adhering to safety standards during your journey is equally essential. It isn’t about being paranoid but rather being smart. You can stay healthy and enjoy your travels to the fullest by staying vigilant and ensuring mindful practices are outlined in this guide. Safe travels!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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