7 Tips For Optimizing Your Workouts


There’s a chance that you aren’t getting the most from your workouts. The only way to successfully get a super-effective workout in 30 minutes is to maximize your workouts and work out a few times a week.


People go to the gym not to get so-so results. They try to get the best out of every rep, run, and bead of sweat. You want to be stronger and leaner to look better without spending long hours at the gym. You want worthwhile results with every moment you spend working out.

Here are some ways you can try to optimize your workouts.

1. Limit Workouts To 30 to 45 Minutes Only

Even though people who are more ambitious in their quest to get the most benefit out of their workouts will often spend more time at the gym, in truth, after 30 or 45 minutes, the benefits are no longer as great. By lowering the intensity, you’d have to cut down on the number of repetitions to go that long, and that would mean that you’re working out for too long. Shorter, more intense workouts are better than longer ones.

2. Do High-Intensity Workouts

You should build your endurance for, at least, a month when you’re starting with exercise. An example of this is to run or go cycling. Get into something more intense after building your endurance for a month; you can check out some HIIT workouts from sites like 28bysamwood.com. Once you develop the endurance base, you need to increase the workout’s intensity to maximize its effectiveness.


3. Execute A Dynamic Warmup

Don’t let yourself stretch out in vain. Study participants who warmed up with a light squat and leg extension routine were able to squat with over 10% more weight during their workout when compared with those who did traditional “bend and hold” stretches. Their lower bodies also had a 22.7% better balance. A rubber band stretched all the way around doesn’t go as far when it’s pulled back to shoot. Your muscles and tendons behave the same way.

It’s believed that dynamic bodyweight workouts improve blood circulation and range of motion while maintaining muscle and tendon elastic properties. In other words, if you’re walking or jogging before going for a run, you’re better off pacing yourself by performing some lunges, knee raises, and leg swings for a few minutes beforehand.

4. Do Intervals

High-Intensity intervals—long periods of all-out effort followed by shorter rest periods—produce the most significant cardiovascular and fat-burning results. One study found that people who did interval workouts, including pushups, burpees, squats, and lunges, one time burned 15 calories per minute — nearly twice as many calories as they consumed while exercising for longer durations. You need to follow the workout plan to do as many repetitions as possible for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat every other minute for 4 minutes. Once you’ve completed four rounds, rest for one minute.

4. Drink Coffee Before Your Workout

After eating an all-natural diet meal, drink, at least, a cup of black coffee an hour prior to working out. Research indicates caffeine consumption before training helps burn fat, increases endurance, and reduces muscle pain. This means you can execute more rounds.

An earlier study from the University of Nebraska (Lincoln) indicates that caffeine supplements increased one-rep maximums (1RM) by about five pounds in subjects who took them before exercising. Caffeine supplements are superior to caffeine derived from coffee.


6. Focus On The Muscle You’re Training

Study participants who thought about their biceps when performing bicep curls had specific muscle activity significantly higher than control subjects who thought about something else. In the long run, muscle recruitment can lead to increased muscle growth. Make sure that you think about the body part being trained every time you do a rep or a set throughout your workout.

7. Increase Your Weights

You should start with low weights to focus on good form. The best way to gain muscle mass is by lifting heavy weights while staying consistent with form. Heavyweights without proper form will give you fewer results in a shorter time. Conversely, heavyweights will provide you with more benefits in a shorter amount of time. People who feel they need to bulk up often misconstrue the purpose of weight lifting.


There you have it; these are helpful tips to optimize your workouts. If you take all of these tips into account, you could get by with four days of exercise. That’s time well-spent on every workout.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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