6 Ways To Help And Motivate Others To Live Healthy Lives


The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention states that many variables go into determining community health. These encompass not just physical characteristics, but also social and behavioral ones. In the US, there are considerable differences in community health between states, age groups, and ethnic groups.


Moreover, while devoting more money to medical care compared to other similar nations, the country still has a long way to go, especially given that it is in the 34th spot with respect to life expectancy worldwide.

Over the past 25 years, life expectancy has increased in the US, but at a slower rate than in other nations. Additionally, there is a very high occurrence of poor birth outcomes, accidents, heart illnesses, diabetes, being obese, and chronic lung conditions. These elements collectively suggest that there are differences in community health from one location to another. This task is shared by individuals who are willing to assist their local communities as well as national and provincial administrative organizations.

Ways To Help And Motivate Others To Live Healthy Lives


The following are some strategies you can use to promote community health where you live:


1. Take up physical education as a profession

While it is important to have a strong desire to support the community,it is quite another to take action. And while most people don’t go further than just thinking about it, you can be an exception and start by looking into physical education as a career. It is even more convenient these days since you may easily apply for an online physical education degree, especially because of the flexibility to study at your own pace. You can continue doing your regular job while studying physical education.

Physical education (PE) is part of the larger umbrella of healthcare professions. Specifically, a career in physical education focuses on various aspects of nutrition and health science to ensure a better lifestyle for people. Educational institutions commonly hire PE teachers to raise awareness amongst the younger generations about the significance of exercise and physical activity. Moreover, physical education professionals are also involved in team sports, where they examine the health and fitness of players.

2. Start your efforts at home

The adage “charity starts at home” is commonly heard. The same is true for lifestyle changes as well, particularly when looking to make an impact on your neighborhood. Before focusing on others, look to your loved ones. Start inculcating healthy routines in all of your family. An easy way to do this is by concentrating on making healthy food plans every day.

Begin by adhering to the 5-2-1-0 rule when it comes to food consumption. This requires consuming five portions of vegetables and fruits each day, keeping screen time for you and your family to under 2 hours, exercising for at least an hour each day, and reducing the consumption of sugary drinks in the home to zero. To guarantee that everyone in your household has healthy bodies, a strong immune response, and a better ability to fend off illnesses, stick to this healthy regimen.

3. Participate in community health initiatives

Whether you are a student, an alum, or a full-time employee, you should look for community-wide projects where you can encourage the adoption of healthy habits. Commence your efforts from the educational institution that you or your kids go to because, particularly as a parent, you have some degree of control over the activities that these institutions undertake. Present yourself and volunteer for events that focus on the community. Propose ideas and offer to supervise some engaging activities if there aren’t many.


You can organize food drives, fundraising activities, and a variety of awareness campaigns at community and school centers on subjects like moving to healthier food options, etc. These are straightforward actions that, when correctly applied, can have a significant impact over time. Along with working with the schools, you may also contact the council of the district or local government to learn more about its wellness policy and how you can contribute to its implementation or improvement.

4. Keep tabs on various policies that may affect your community

Many communities are looking at programs that emphasize creating safe walking and play places, increasing the accessibility of trails, and promoting other possibilities for fitness. For instance, MoveDSM, Des Moines, Iowa’s capital city’s transport master plan, aims to create a comprehensive and secure transit network for all users. The Central Iowa Well Kids Coalition promotes initiatives like this one through a broad lobbying agenda. This is but one illustration of how locals can help improve their neighborhood’s health.

5. Dedicate your time and efforts to community health

There are many opportunities where you can do something for the community if you are sincere about it. If you are not wealthy or can’t spare money to donate, you can support local issues by volunteering your time or making a variety of other contributions. For instance, you could assemble a group of your friends or other community members to launch a model park where you cultivate fresh produce like fruits and vegetables and also give families the opportunity for exercise and learning. By doing so, you are also addressing two of the four components of the 5-2-1-0 formula through this activity. You can contribute to food banks through this program so that those who are less fortunate can benefit.

6. Take your kids to volunteer with you

Easy access to modern technology, including smartphones and the internet, is detrimental to the younger generation. It’s not a good precedent when parents rely on technology to keep their kids quiet. In this context, your sympathy for the neighborhood ought to manifest itself in some useful deeds.

Begin by encouraging your kids to spend fewer hours in front of devices and more time engaging in healthy activities like reading, exercise, and socializing. Additionally, you must engage in activities with them in order to increase their motivation for both the community and their own health.



It takes teamwork to improve community health. Along with administrative rules, community members like you and your family should step up and adopt initiatives to improve your surroundings. In order to make a contribution in this regard, you may decide on a pertinent profession for yourself, initiate by fostering positive lifestyle choices in your household, assist with volunteer opportunities in the community, and donate time as well as funds to causes that are important to you. These are all simple but effective ways to become involved. Furthermore, ensuring these programs are long-term sustainable can guarantee strong community health for a very long period.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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