What to Eat Before 1 Hour Glucose Test Pregnancy?


What to Eat Before 1 Hour Glucose Test Pregnancy A lot of women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes during their pregnancy that’s a big percentage of all moms by any means. Hidden and untreated, gestational diabetes can up the risk of complications, but it’s without difficulty managed once diagnosed. The glucose screening and glucose tolerance test can detect this condition and get moms the special attention they need during the rest of their pregnancies.   


When your medical practitioner has suggested that you take a glucose tolerance test during your pregnancy, usually around your fifth month of pregnancy, you will be asked to watch your diet before taking the test.

What to Eat Before 1 Hour Glucose Test Pregnancy?

What to Eat Before 1 Hour Glucose Test Pregnancy


If you want to know more about glucose tolerance tests then read this article carefully.

What is a Glucose tolerance test and What is this test for?  

If your blood sugar levels on the glucose screening are too high, it could mean your body isn’t creating enough insulin to process the additional glucose in your system during pregnancy. You might need to go back for a glucose tolerance test for this test, you’ll have your blood drawn after fasting beforehand. You’ll then drink a sugary drink and have your blood drawn three more times at one, two-three hours later.


For the glucose tolerance test, you’ll need to dodge eating for eight to 14 hours before your scheduled appointment. A relatively small percentage of women will develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy. Most have never had a problem or a history of diabetes. Most studies specify that getting gestational diabetes is directly related to the changes in hormones during pregnancy that causes this condition. Gestational diabetes typically shows up in the last trimester, at the end of the pregnancy, although some women develop it at the end of the second trimester.

Your baby depends on you for nourishment, in the way of glucose. Your sugar levels in the blood are regulated by insulin. Pregnancy triggers an anti-insulin mechanism to make sure enough sugar mixes to get to your baby.

Most of the time it works flawlessly, except when it does not. Sometimes the mechanism leaves too much sugar in the bloodstream that cannot be handled by the mother’s kidneys, and the extra is “spilled over” in her urine. This generally happens in the second trimester, to the extent that roughly half the pregnant women have some sugar in their urine at some point in their prenatal period.

Most women produce an increase in their insulin levels to reimburse. Women who have diabetic tendencies might not be able to produce enough insulin to compensate for the increase in blood sugar or are not able to use their insulin efficiently. When this happens there are complex levels of sugar in the woman’s urine and blood which causes a condition known as gestational diabetes. If this happens the medical practitioner might order a GTT to more precisely see how the woman’s body is responding to sugar.

How can you prepare for the Glucose tolerance test?

Nutrition plays an immense part in your health and even more so during your pregnancy. Going into pregnancy overweight can increase some risk factors, but even if pregnancy is not the time to lose weight, you need to watch your food. 


Each food you eat can affect you and your baby, so make it count. Become a label reader. You should Know the difference between carbohydrates. Whole wheat and brown rice are better for you than white bread and regular pasta because your body digests the whole grains slower and that means the sugar slowly fuels your body, you should have fewer sugar highs and lows.  

Protein is important, try mingling beans and grains. Together they produce a higher protein count per gram than if eaten separately at different meals. Do not eat anything if you are taking the first Glucose Challenge Test and don’t be confused with the instructions to fast for a Glucose Tolerance Test. Simply Follow your doctor’s instructions. Notify your doctor about any medications you take regularly in case one may affect your test results.

What are the Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes?

Besides higher glucose levels in the blood and or urine here are some of the symptoms of gestational diabetes given below: 

  • Increase in hunger or thirst.
  • frequent urination (outside of the normal increase in urination during pregnancy)
  • The rise in blood pressure
  • vaginal monilial infections
  • thirsty mouth
  • exhaustion which may be difficult to evaluate because many women are tired during pregnancy.

FAQs (frequently asked questions):

  • How Will the Test Feel?

Maximum women describe drinking the glucose liquid as an experience like drinking a sweet flat soda without bubbles. Some women experience sickness or light-headedness. There are no serious side effects that are very uncommon.

  • What does the result mean?

Normal results are when blood sugar is equal to or less than 140mg/dL one hour after drinking the liquid. A normal result regularly indicates that you do not have gestational diabetes. If your blood glucose level is higher than 140mg/dL you will be requested to come back and do a Step Two GTT test.

  • What If you don’t pass the glucose screening?

it’s possible to get a positive test result that your doctor considers to be medically unimportant meaning that there is no effect on your growing baby. It’s still a good prompt to ask your doctor for healthy eating tips.  If your test does come back positive and you are eventually diagnosed with gestational diabetes, remember that the condition is easily managed and goes away soon after you give birth. 

More Pregnancy Guides:


If you wish to have a Glucose Test During Pregnancy, you’ll need to stop eating for eight to 14 hours before your scheduled appointment. A relatively small percentage of women will develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy. 

We have shared everything about What to Eat Before 1 Hour Glucose Test Pregnancy in this article if the information helped you in any way, then do share it with others in need so they can also be benefited from this article. If you have any queries related to this article then do let us know in the comments below.


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